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The power of story in marketing, communication & sales.

Butterflies don't burp - but the best story wins.

markus gull keynotes marketing sales

The power of story in marketing, communication & sales.

Butterflies don't burp - but the best story wins.

"Most advertising campaigns are as effective as the burp of a butterfly", the legendary Howard L. Gossage once said, and this is truer today than ever. Disruptive advertising & co. have long since ceased to work the way those who spend or receive money for them would like. This has long been clear even to those who do not admit it. The brand as hero has had its day. Brands without a relevant brand story are doomed.

What can work? Exactly: relevant brand stories. Because that's the only way brands get useful meaning in the lives of their audiences and can survive thriving, beyond advertising.

It's all about the big picture, because the numbers are clear: only brands with meaning and significance for people's lives pay off. Significantly more share of wallet, much better KPIs and significantly better performance on the stock market and in growth than others.

In this keynote Markus Gull shakes up his audience and shows, among other things, where the unsolvable problem of conventional marketing communication lies, what a story really is and why storytelling is misleading and only story sharing leads to the goal: into people's hearts.

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