Why story is more important for entrepreneurs than any business plan.

Are you already dreaming or are you still planning?

markus gull keynote startups founder

Why story is more important for entrepreneurs than any business plan.

Are you already dreaming or are you still planning?

Numbers, data, facts - founders, start-ups and the unicorns of the future know what matters in a business plan. That's all well and good, but it only apparently leads to success. What really makes companies strong, right from the start, is their magnetic story, the power of their brand. Internally, externally, for investors and customers alike. It is about the founding dream. This is where the inner, the decisive, story of every company originates, the story in which it is not itself the hero and that is precisely why it gains its significance.

In this keynote Markus Gull addresses entrepreneurs, founders and all those who want to take action, make a difference. "We entrepreneurs are the ones who change the world!" Our drive? A burning concern that underlies everything and for which we inspire others. Your dream. Your company. Your story.

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