Markus Gull

The thank you exclusively for my listeners

Download the gleanings here free of charge

Story is vital for people and brands, my listeners know that. It is about meaning - for our lives and for what we buy. Because we don't buy products, we buy what we want to be. In this post-review, you will find more inspiring thoughts on why relationships between people and brands, people and companies and people and people must be built on values in order to have real relevance.

Plus an interview with me from "Business Punk", the best book tips for story insiders and a tool from my treasure box as a gift.

Download your gift here:

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Thank you very much for coming to my talk!

Markus Gull

markus gull gleanings pictures 2

The thank you exclusively for my listeners

Download the gleanings here free of charge

Story is vital for people and brands, my listeners know that. It is about meaning - for our lives and for what we buy. Because we don't buy products, we buy what we want to be. In this post-review, you will find more inspiring thoughts on why relationships between people and brands, people and companies and people and people must be built on values in order to have real relevance.

Plus an interview with me from "Business Punk", the best book tips for story insiders and a tool from my treasure box as a gift.

Download your gift here:

Gleanings form


We handle your data responsibly. By sending this form, you agree that the information you provide here, as well as the date, time and your IP address are collected and processed to respond to your request. This data remains with us until you request us to delete it, revoke your consent to store it, or the purpose for storing the data no longer applies.

Note: You can revoke your consent at any time by sending an e-mail to Detailed information on the handling of user data can be found in our privacy policy.

Thank you very much for coming to my talk!

Markus Gull

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