Markus Gull

#13 - with Thomas Saliger about XXXL furniture stores, the Putz family, the courage to try something new and what else counts in a company.

Everyone knows the Putz family from advertising TV, the secret head of the family in the background is Thomas Saliger, XXXL marketer and company spokesman for Lutz. Anyone who expects a superficial or even aloof top manager here is very much mistaken. Thomas has both feet firmly on the ground, his heart is in the right place and he knows all kinds of stories about his life full of transformations. For example, why a carpenter becomes a lawyer, how one is flushed from a holiday job as a craftsman into the executive suite of a billion-dollar corporation operating across Europe, what it was like to spend the night as a team in a furniture store and what children were born afterwards, what matters in people management and why large companies deal with the same questions as small ones.

And Thomas Saliger, Marketer of the Year 2009, also tells us why courage and perseverance despite resistance are decisive factors for success and how familiar things can be in a company with over 25,000 employees.

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Putz family

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