Markus Gull

#15 - with Lisa Centeno about Purpose as the basis for business.

Lisa-Maria Centeno made some substantial experiences while she was involved in setting up businesses at a very young age. For example, that company founders often lack the basics. And that one of these basics must be the concern of the founders and thus of the company.

Now she has combined both sets of experiences and started a project that will soon be a multi-faceted, buzzing company: Business Basics - currently a lively podcast for entrepreneurial know-how with many inspiring guests. In this way, Lisa brings her wealth of experience and that of many others to her listeners and whets their appetite for entrepreneurial activity, the success of which is measured by far more than just black figures or golden noses.

In this episode of my podcast, Lisa-Maria Centeno talks about her own experiences of founding a company, about her double life as a student and founder, why Purpose belongs as a cornerstone in the foundation of every company and every life, why we can look forward to her book and what else she has in the pipeline.

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"Business Basics" - Podcast by Lisa-Maria Centeno

B Corporation

Book: "Starting a Revolution

Book: "The Purpose Economy

Book: "Business Storytelling for Dummies

Book: "Social Entrepreneurship for Dummies".

Article about "Learn Earn Return

Simon Sinek Website

Book: "Then do something"

Links to Amazon are intended as a service for snooping and in case you want to feed your Kindle right away, whereas I recommend reading books made of paper, flesh, blood & soul on principle and explicitly, with a pencil within reach for notes and dog-eared and ready to fold.

And: every stationary bookseller is happy about a purchase and gets you every book in no time at all - sometimes you just turn your hand over two or three times ... The reward for this: when you visit the bookshop, there is always a lot to discover, or you will be discovered by books that on Amazon don't have the slightest idea that you exist.
By the way, I'm happy to receive relevant tips from you as a story insider - not only from the non-fiction and specialist book corner.

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